In today's fast paced world, many of us value our time more than maybe any other generation in the past. That does not mean it is really more valuable, but we think it is. The only thing that makes time have any value is what you do with it. I invite you to read Ezekiel chapter 8 as you consider this post. God through the pen of Ezekiel ends the chapter with some very harsh statements; "they filled the land with violence", "provoke me to anger", "neither will I have pity", "and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them." Seems a lot like where we are as a country. If it would not have been for God's mercy and longsuffering, these statements would have been issued much earlier in Israel's history. What brought God to this point where he had to issue such chastisement to those who were supposed to be His people? I say "supposed" because they were not in their hearts. Much the same way America calls itself a christian nation, yet there are fewer followers from the heart, per capita, than at any other time in her great history. The question you might ask yourself is, if God were my employee, what would his time be worth? Most of us know that it is unimaginable to even think we could put a price on the time of our one and only loving creator. It is hard for many people to give God any time in their life, but there is something worse than that. It is when we act like we give him time, but our heart and mind is somewhere else. In this passage of scripture, it is revealed that the very people who appeared to be giving God time in their life were simply there at the sanctuary of God in body only. Their thoughts and spirit were somewhere totally opposite and direct denial of God. It was so bad that God said in verse 6, "I should go far off from my sanctuary?". God no longer felt comfortable meeting with His people. Notice again how bad they had lied to themselves and believed their own lie in verse 12 as God shows Ezekiel what they are saying, "every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The Lord seeth us not; the Lord hath forsaken the earth." God wants us to appear to others that we love Him and want to follow Him. But it is most imperative that we are not simply appearing, but truly trusting and seeking Him from the heart. Our individual decision to follow from the heart could literally change the way God helps with the needs of our great America. If you have never trusted Christ from the heart as Lord and Savior of your life, do it today. There are numerous places on this website that will help you understand how to be saved forever, and I am always available for you to contact me. If you have been saved, perform God's will for your life from the heart and not just for show. We will never be perfect on this earth, but we should continue to strive for perfection until we get through those pearly gates of heaven. The time we give to God, whether personal time or public time at church, must be dedicated to Him. He did all for us and expects so little from us.
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Passage of scripture to read - Luke 6:1-13
Jesus had a great multitude of people which contained at least 5,000 men. They had been following Him all day and were becoming weary from not eating. Jesus makes note of this to his disciples, in particular Philip. He puts the need before Philip for him to learn to trust more on Christ than in himself. Philip's response was much like most of ours, it is impossible, it cannot be done. Philip was trying to perform this by what man knew was possible, forgetting that he had access to the creator of the universe standing right before him. Andrew's response was somewhat better, here is something but it is way to small to meet the need. The young boy that gave his 5 loaves and 2 small fishes to Andrew was evidently listening. As the young boy listened to the need mentioned by his Lord, his thought was, I don't have much but I will give it to be used by my Lord. Oh the faith this little boy had, I will give what I have and trust the Lord to use it for His purpose. Pure and simple faith in the Lord that he would do his part to fulfill the Lord's will. The Lord was able, because of the boy's faith and compassion, to not only meet the need of everyone of the people there, but also had much more left over to meet future needs. If we would first trust him to save our soul for eternity, and then trust him with the little things he has blessed us with, there would not be a true need left in this world. Allow the Lord to use what you have so that mighty things could be done! |
Pastor Travis BriceHi, this is Bro. Travis. If you have a question or comment concerning a post, click on the add comment button under the appropriate post. I may not answer right away, but I will do my best to get back to you if you need me to. If you have a prayer request, please use the prayer request section under "Categories". Archives
August 2016